A21 Walk for Freedom on the 16th October raises awareness about human trafficking. True Hearts Unite supports A21 Walk for Freedom. To learn more https://www.a21.org/content/united-kingdom/gr507k So let our True Hearts Unite to stop human trafficking.
Will 2020 Change Society for Better? It’s Not About COVID-19 Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret...
“We would like to show that we have not got a North / South divide but a people / Government divide that brings decline” Connect a united country fighting decline. It’s Time to Act with True Hearts London businessman, Louca Kousoulou, is ready to lead the charge to...
West Ham United Ladies Team – Save Lives Today, Build Lives Tomorrow West Ham United Ladies Team support True Hearts Unite #noknives and wear the True Hearts Unite T shirts in the warm up for the first televised game of the season. Thank you for your public show...