There is a solution

4 Simple Steps




Help the Government with facts, logic and statistics that show we have the best interests and vision for the next generation and our communities throughout the UK.




Money is available to create growth and jobs. We are building for a better tomorrow which is an alternative eduction system that is needed to stop decline and prevent knife crime in the UK.




Identify 60, 5 acre sites in every major city in England and Wales. Build sixty fully equipped Academies that will double up as community hubs.




Connecting all aspect of our society starting with celebrity inclusion. This connection and support will unite people, youth culture and focus this direction now.

The Outcomes

True Hearts - Road Map

What is True Hearts Unite?

True Hearts Unite is a campaign to start True Hearts Academies that will create a focus for social improvement and social equality.


True Hearts Academies will identify Youth’s talents, turning their passion into skills, and provide them with the facilities and opportunities they deserve, from people they can relate to. After courses and on weekends, the academies will be used as social hubs for 5-15 year olds creating the first of many important connections in our community.


The positivity exercised inside the academies will shift youth mentality from a negative outlook to a positive mindset in all areas of their lives. Youth will then carry that positive mindset with them, shifting their actions accordingly, influencing society in a conscious and empathetic way which in turn will have a massive impact on knife crime, petty crime and mental health.


The method we use has been tried and tested by every charity, in every organisation, and in every working relationship or friendship.


The method is this:

Guidance with love and understanding.

Our initial goal is to build 30 academies throughout the UK to spark an enormous shift from decline to growth within all aspects of our society. The most important element to uniting and connecting this country and the best chance we have at stopping the cycle of decline is our youth. We need to give them the opportunity to grow so they can create a future they can believe in.


True Hearts illustration - hand holding heart

How You Can help?

To unite and connect the people is the secret to growth in any society.
If you create a common bond that everyone relates to and understands, then every aspect of human interaction (and in turn, society) will grow positively.

Truth and a focus for action is the common bond needed to create unity and connection in our country.

Knife crime in London cost the UK government 3.2 billion pounds last year alone, of which only 100 million was used towards charitable foundations and building up society. The remainder of that vast sum went to cleaning up the mess that knife crime caused.

We’ve created a negative world by funding it with this approach, and now mental health and knife crime are at an all-time high, petty crime is rampant, more police are on the streets, extra stress is on the NHS, and the mentality of our youth is decreasing rapidly to the point of no return…

….but it’s not too late.

We have a rare opportunity to deflect a recession with growth and to stop the wars on our streets. There is an estimated 600,000 unemployed or homeless youth in the UK.
There are also currently 16,000 veterans/heroes that have been ignored and are homeless in the UK. Every one of them has valuable unique skills that will be invaluable to the running of the academies, that will be built in major cities across the country.

The True Hearts Academies will gain the interest of sponsors, create ‘new’ money while also stopping the decline. We are a social enterprise which means that our profit will be recycling into society. True Hearts Unite refocuses on fixing society with positivity rather than policing methods (like stop and search) that are not effective. Once the youth are placed at the heart of our communities with a positive way of thinking, they will be able to grow the present into a future that we all deserve.

To unite and connect is the best chance we have at fixing society and it starts with you.

Just by signing the petition below, you will be marking the beginning to the end of the decline in our country and giving everyone a chance at a brighter future.

Sign Our Petition

[emailpetition id=”1″]

Apply below to be mentored by a True Connection

Apply for a Mentor

6 + 11 =

By submitting the form above you are stating that you are interested in the ‘True Connections Mentoring Program’ and, if the Academies are placed, agreeing to be contacted via e-mail. The above submission form is in place to create a list of youth so that, if True Hearts Academies takes place, True Hearts Unite may contact you to offer the program to. None of the individuals that are True Connections are legally bound to the mentorship program but have agreed, non-contractually, to a 10 minute conersation each week with a youth.

Your information will not be sold off or traded in any way, stored securely and will only be used specifically to create the list and contact you as explained above.

Give a pledge to start a new life

We would like to thank the following public figures for sparking the first important connection of many, to our youth and this country, making True Hearts Academies a reality.

True Connections / Public Figures

  • Rev David Peterson (Rapper/Reverend) UK
  • Ché Chesterman (singer/songwriter) UK
  • Inphamus Amadeus (Sirius XM radio)
  • The Ryan Show FM (Ryan Verneuille) US
  • The Ryan Show FM (Hamptons Dave) US
  • Mr Cheeks  (Rapper) (The Ryan Show) US
  • Cassidy (Rapper) US
  • Peedi Crakk (Rapper) US
  • Nature (Rapper) US
  • Tragedy Khadafi (Rapper) US
  • Royal Flush (Rapper) US
  • Chef Saneto Shiroyama (Celebrity Sushi Chef)
  • Johnathan Tores (BET Networks)
  • Tai Savelli (Rapper) UK
  • Dale May (Rapper/Singer/Songwriter) UK
  • Little Vic (Rapper) US
  • C’est La Vie (Rapper) UK
  • Mac Daddy (Sports Journalist) US

Where will they be built?

The Academies will be placed in all major cities across the country that suffer from gang culture or unemployment.

These Academies will become the hub and focus for communities and a point of  connection on our streets.  We focus on family values and environment with mentoring. They will create a new way of thinking and a new start.

True Hearts illustration - youth

who will this help?

Ultimately everyone will benefit from the social reform that True Hearts can lead to.

We will begin by taking the unemployed youth off the streets and giving them education opportunities and thus creating new role models within the community.

Our Blog

Urgent Collaboration required to support lost youths

True Hearts Unite is on a mission to foster growth in our country, starting from the grassroots of our communities, ultimately building a society that is inclusive, morally sound, and flourishing. We are currently in the process of producing a film and documentary...

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Reward our Nurses – Save our NHS!

We would like to introduce you to True Hearts Unite, a social enterprise in Essex who desperately wants to help save a broken NHS and to reward our nurses! Please read about our campaign "THE BIG BUILD". "THE BIG BUILD" offers each nurse in this country a home - far...

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Arsenal/Adidas: No More Red

No More Red is an initiative between Arsenal and adidas that will see adidas support the long-standing work being done by Arsenal in the Community to keep young people safe from knife crime and youth violence. Last year saw...

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Proof of Youth Unemployment Linked to Crime by Area

Proof of Youth Unemployment Linked to Crime by Area

Global MapAid has conducted research into the problems and solutions for youth unemployment, and have identified that crime rates bear a strong connection with youth unemployment. This view on youth unemployment is supported by West Midlands Police and Crime...

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Rev David Peterson Save Lives, Save Souls.

Rev David Peterson Save Lives, Save Souls.

Rev David Peterson save lives, save souls. He is the youngest black Anglican minister in the UK is actively supporting True Hearts Unite. By uniting and connecting we can petition the government to make change. We need more facilities to provide alternative education,...

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A21 Walk for Freedom

A21 Walk for Freedom

A21 Walk for Freedom on the 16th October raises awareness about human trafficking. True Hearts Unite supports A21 Walk for Freedom. To learn more So let our True Hearts Unite to stop human trafficking.

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True Hearts Unite Q&A

Engage the Nation

What is True Hearts Unite?
True Hearts Unite is a campaign to build True Hearts Academies in key places throughout the UK, in major cities, where there is an abundance of knife crime. We want to shift youth mentality by giving the youth a new option through the True Hearts Academies that consist of alternative education, industry connections and mentoring.

What is True Hearts Unite’s Aim?
Our aim is to stop the cycle of decline in the UK by using the tools of unemployment to our advantage. By forming a focus for the youth, through this Social Enterprise we can give purpose, a positive mindset and opportunities to our youth. We will also create ‘new’ money through sponsorship, to be recycled back into society.

In short, our aim is to unite and connect our country.

Why does it work?
A shift in mentality alters actions.

Why we need it?
To stop needless deaths, knife crime, and social decline by introducing a positive way of thinking for the next generation.

What it will do for this country?
It will bring about social reform offering the next generation a future they can look forward to.

What social problems will True Hearts impact?

Youth knife crime
We shift youth mentality with mentoring and teaching new skills.

Youth well-being
By giving new focus and tapping into talent True Hearts Academies will give the youth inspiration and a direction for their future, bringing about self-belief, motivation and morals.

Mental health in young people
By nurturing a positive outlook on our streets and our communities, we take away fear and shift the focus to positivity.

Why can it unite and connect?
True Hearts Unite will adapt the current system and create a ‘new’ beginning with a positive way of thinking. This will grow a society that drives change and immerses this country in glory and pride, with love and peace.

This is an inclusive peaceful social movement that is independent of any political party and welcomes all faiths and religions for the good of humanity.

The Campaign

True Hearts Unite is a campaign that motivates, initiates, and facilitates the development of True Hearts Academies, in major cities throughout the country.

What True Hearts Unite Strives For
The True Hearts Academies will unite and connect the youth and adults with one view, one focus, and a positive way of thinking.

Collectively Motivating Society
We strive to motivate our youth, kids, councils, government, organisations, churches, charities, individuals, companies, radio stations, media, politicians, etc., to collectively get behind the True Hearts Academies.

Building a Positive Mentality
The True Hearts Academies will have a major impact on mental health issues, youth mentality and the negative actions that come from the desperation and fear of living in our society (knife crime, gang culture, drugs, mental health issues, petty crime, etc.).

Rare Opportunity to Stop Social Decline
True Hearts Unite is offering a rare opportunity to build a positive way of thinking that will stop social decline and kickstart a new beginning for the youth and our country.

A New Beginning for Our Youth
Our ultimate goal is to offer our youth a future they deserve, filled with hope, excitement and unity.

Mentoring and Education
The True Hearts Academies will encourage, mentor, identify skills/talents/passions and allow them to grow into employable skills.

Community Hubs
The Academies will become hubs for young people and the community after courses and on weekends.

Replacing Unemployment with Full Time Training
The True Hearts Academies will replace youth unemployment with full time training and mentoring that facilitates the progression of their skills, with the main intention being that they leave ready for employment.

Tackling Knife Crime and Gang Culture
The True Hearts Academies will greatly impact knife crime and tackle gang culture at the source. We are suggesting accommodation within the academies, that will develop bonds, overcome societal issues (petty crime, bullying, racism, etc.) and create a family atmosphere, between the youth and their mentors.

Mentoring Through Many Channels
True Hearts Unite will utilise a daily television programme and facilitate online media coverage with the goal being to reach and engage with every young person in our country.

Funding will be achieved through sponsorship and investment both publicly and privately.