Blog by Molly Sweetman

True Hearts by Molly Sweetman Stop Knife Crime Build a better world. Freedom, Love and Unity

Imagine waking up in fear every morning, not knowing who you’ll cross if you walk down the road, or who you’ll bump into in the shop. What they’ll do to you if you do, because you owe them for something.

This isn’t living. Living is about freedom, euphoria, love… not fear, aggression and violence. Everyone is fighting their own battle, so help each other, not hinder… or in some cases, kill.

Gang crime is the foundation of fear and paranoia in youth, the foundation that leads to drug dealings, assaults and murders. We were brought into this earth to protect ourselves, but more importantly, our neighbours… friends, families, livelihoods. We’re we’re brought into this earth with a true heart.

True Hearts is the programme to prevent the foundation developing, layer by layer. Centres will be built, education will be given, advice will be delivered personally and passionately, because at the epicentre of True Hearts is potential.

Every article that you read or swipe and disregard as more ‘bad news’, blackens your heart with guilt and selfishness. How is ‘bad news’ expected to be prevented from dampening the nations mood, if the nation does not attack it. Follow True Hearts, encourage reformation!


Response from Louca Kousoulou

That FEAR is my drive to protect kids hearts and the truth she has shown. This is the reason I do this, to protect youth from this fear as it will eat them up, day to day,
hour by hour.


We need to adapt the system we designed and create a focus and united connection

Now we will take our first step forward into something very special that truly make my heart bleed, that drives my passion!